18 June 2018, St. Regis Hotel, Le Morne, Mauritius
Putting Financial Close First

The 4th Ai CEO Infrastructure Project Developers Summit & Awards 2018 held in association with Africa50, builds on past Summit themes, designed to highlight the opportunities and bottlenecks to mobilizing innovative private capital to early stage infrastructure project development. Recurring observations constraining increased private capital for project development from the investment community centre on the lack of bankable projects and the time to reach financial close.

This unique, CEO-level Summit, will bring together critical decision makers from across Africa’s infrastructure project development community, for a dynamic public-private sector dialogue, on how to reprioritise and fast track financial close, as a critical stimulant to increasing the number of early stage, green field projects and developers that attract and mobilize private and institutional capital.

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08h45 – 08h50 – Welcome:


08h50 – 09h10- Opening Keynote


09h10 – 09h55 – Leaders Dialogue – the 2018 Ai Project Developers Forum Benchmarking Survey:

Leaders in this panel will present and discuss the highlights of the 2018 Ai Project Developers Forum Benchmarking Survey.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item]

09h55 – 10h40 – Public Sector Dialogue: Improving Private Sector Participation (PPI) in Infrastructure Models

Africa has the lowest continental levels globally of private sector participation in Infrastructure (PPI), according to the World Bank PPI database. Discussion leaders will share their views on how to improve the participation of African project developers participation in infrastructure and the role African governments can play, to facilitate domestic and international co-developer partnerships.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item]

10h40 – 11h00 – Networking Break 


11h00 – 11h45 – Rise of Developer Tech: Improving Private Sector Participation (PPI) in Infrastructure Models Under Threat?

This session introduces how technology is impacting and accelerating infrastructure development and finance in Africa and the extent to which ‘Developer Tech’, Blockchain and ICO’s (Initial Coin Offerings), could disrupt traditional developer models and whether analogies can be drawn with the impact ‘FinTech’ had on the banking and finance sector.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item]

11h45 – 12h30 – Leaders Dialogue: DFI Project Development Innovations and Leadership

The Ai Infrastructure Project Developers Forum Benchmarking Survey confirmed that African infrastructure is short of investment  ready projects, not construction finance, and that DFIs need to focus more finance and expertise on project preparation and take more risks. Developers and DFI leaders will discuss how to improve project development, including options and requirements for increased risk sharing and reprioritisation on financial close in the procurement and award process.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item]

12h30 – 14h00 –  Networking Lunch & The 2018 Infrastructure Investment Awards Ceremony


14h00 – 14h15 – Keynote Address


14h15 – 15h15 – Global CEO Round Table: Best Practices for Developing Energy Projects

Africa’s project development market is rapidly evolving, driven by countries’ pressing infrastructure needs, technological change, and the emergence of disruptive competitors. This is causing established developers to review their business models. In this round table CEOs of global infrastructure companies will discuss how they are approaching these challenges. They will provide examples and best practices from both Africa and other regions.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item title_text_typography=”” desc_text_typography=””]

15h15 – 16h15 – African Institutional Investor Dialogue: Attracting Capital to Project Development

Institutional investors have more than $100 trillion in assets that seek long-term, stable returns. Tapping even a small fraction of this for infrastructure project development in Africa would have a sizable impact. However, Africa is competing on a global scale for these funds and risk perceptions remain high. To make project development finance an investible asset class on the continent will require initiative and concerted action from all partners. In this panel, African institutional investors will share their views on long-term capital and how to attract institutional funding for pre-financial close development.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item title_text_typography=”” desc_text_typography=””]

16h15 – 16h45 – Networking Break

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16h45 – 17h45 – Ministers of Energy Round Table: Fast Tracking Energy Projects – the Government View

Improving power generation and distribution is Africa’s most urgent development need, since access to energy is a prerequisite for industrial, economic, and social development. While some African governments have been successful facilitators of energy projects, others are still struggling to create the necessary enabling environment. In this round table Ministers will share their experiences and best practices and outline priority projects in their countries.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item title_text_typography=”” desc_text_typography=””]

17h45 – 18h00 – Fireside Chat: Alain Ebobissé, CEO, Africa50 and Amadou Hott, Vice President, Power,Energy, Climate and Green Growth, African Development Bank

Two recognized leaders in African finance and infrastructure map out their vision of Africa’s future. What were the best practices discussed during the day’s proceedings, and what are the lessons learned? How can developers, investors and governments best contribute to more rapid and comprehensive infrastructure development on the continent?[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item]

18h00 – 18h30 – The 2018 Infrastructure Project Developers Awards Ceremony


18h30 – 20h00 – AiCocktail Reception
